People Interact

Blog about people-centered design by Lisa Chow and Sandra Sajonas.

Monthly Archives: January 2018

Designing My Life: Health/Work/Play/Love Dashboard

As mentioned in previous posts, I’m designing my life with the help of Burnett & Evans’ book Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life.

For my first activity I completed my dashboard to gauge where I currently am in my life.

After completing my dashboard I could definitely see some areas I can work on. It’s also important to point out “gravity problems”. These are areas that cannot be changed, i.e. weather, the fact that I have 2 young kids. These are issues that won’t change but that I can be creative with working around.

Design Thinking: How Librarians Are Incorporating It Into Their Practice

Design Thinking: How Librarians Are Incorporating It Into Their Practice


Thu, March 8, 2018

12:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST

I just registered for this free and online event & hope to learn about some interesting ways libraries around the USA are using design thinking. I will be posting a summary of the presentation for those who are not able to attend.

Happy 2018: Monthly Method Spotlight

Happy 2018!

Since 2013, we have shared one people-centered method each month. We will be continuing our Monthly Method Spotlight.

We’ll go over What, When/Why and How.

Stay tuned for our first method of the year in February.